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Hollywood is resting: 6 beauties-defenders of Ukraine starred in an ELLE photo shoot

According to the official data of the General Staff, 42,000 women are now heroically serving in the Armed Forces of Ukraine along with men.

ELLE Ukraine magazine organized a series of interviews with defenders called “Women at the Front”. “ELLE” means “she” in French. And “she” in Ukraine today is exactly like that – courageous  fighting for the independence of her country, ”.

The heroines of the project took part in a photo session.  If it were not for the military uniform and weapons in their hands, it might seem that this is a report from the red carpet of some fashion event. Not surprising, because the beauty of Ukrainian women is known in all corners of our planet.

Victoria Kravchenko, military psychologist, 30 years old, major. For the sake of service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, she left her little son at home.

Alexandra, shooter, 23, volunteer. I went to the front so that Ukrainian children would not cry. I am sure that we must do everything so that our children live under a peaceful sky in a free country.

Christina, callsign “Curly”. Senior lieutenant NGU. He has been serving in the Armed Forces of Ukraine for 9 years and during this time she went through all the circles of hell: the first shelling, the first exit from the encirclement, the first losses of brothers, the capture of very close people …

Kristina Bogatchuk, 22 years old, combat medic. At the front for 2.5 months. “From the beginning of the war, there was only one thought – to send loved ones to a safe place and go to war.” He sees Ukraine as a flourishing state with a developed economy and happy people.

Sniper Oksana with the call sign “Xena” is only 19 years old. She could not sit at home, realizing that her compatriots were dying at the front. “I want my relatives, friends, future children to walk along the streets, where the flag of Ukraine will fly, Ukrainian songs will be heard, and the Ukrainian anthem will be sung” she shared in an interview.

What do you think?

Written by Dailystars

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