日本三大名石に数えられえる瀬田川の虎石です。 虎石の中でも珍しい錦蛇のような模様です。激流の底から引き上げられた産石は水気を含ませると黒黄の光を放ちます。 22 * 11センチ Toraishi in Seta-river who can be ranked as JapaneseSignature stone . Even the Toraishis inside is the design like the unusual python. When I soak in moisture, the fortune stone drawn up from the bottom of a torrent emits light of Iris like a snake.
22 * 11センチ
Toraishi in Seta-river who can be ranked as JapaneseSignature stone .
Even the Toraishis inside is the design like the unusual python. When I soak in moisture, the fortune stone drawn up from the bottom of a torrent emits light of Iris like a snake.